Accurate motion tracking for remote rehabilitation
Technology Overview
Remote rehabilitation service alleviates the burden of centralized rehabilitation centers by offering objective and quantifiable data through home-based exercise regime.
Timely rehabilitation is necessary for recovery post-treatment. However, this requires multiple visits to the rehabilitation centers. Furthermore, physiotherapy recovery exercises are often painful and difficult for the patient to remember. As patients become non-compliant to their home rehabilitation exercises plan, it slows down the rate of recovery of the patient and often leads to costly readmissions in to hospital for follow up treatment.
To address these limitations, our proposed solution is a context-based algorithm to quantify movements in prescribed rehabilitation exercises. We use a combination of sensors worn on the wrist to determine the initial position for baseline calibration. As the user moves his/her arm, we initiate automatic calibration to provide accurate joint angle movement calculation.
Technology Specifications
The technology is a contextualized algorithm that performs automatic calibration and joint motion measurements. This greatly enhances its ease of use, enabling the user to transit into the remote rehabilitation exercises seamlessly.
Potential Applications
This technology can be used for remote rehabilitation, virtual reality, and fitness tracking.
Potential Collaborations
We are seeking collaborations or further development to implement the algorithm on devices/sensors that require motion tracking in the abovementioned applications.
For enquiries, please contact Dr Gordon Xiong, HealthTEC Manager, at gordonx@nus.edu.sg.